You’re Using Your Laundry Detergent Pods Wrong – LifeSavvy

Inna Dodor/

Have you been using your laundry detergent pods wrong this whole time? They were designed to make laundry even easier, but so many of us didn’t get the memo on how to use them for maximum impact.

If you’re at all like me, then you’ve probably been adding your clothes to your washer and then tossing the laundry detergent pod on top. Apparently, we’ve all been wrong.

The correct way to use a laundry detergent pod is to throw it in the washer first and then add your clothes. Don’t believe me? Just ask Shea Simmons, assignments editor at LifeSavvy. She attended a seminar with Tide and learned all about this helpful trick straight from the laundry experts.

Doing laundry may not be the most exciting task, but getting it right can make a big difference when it comes to the whiteness of your whites and the freshness of your linens.

When you throw your laundry detergent pod in before the clothes,  the pod can fully dissolve and distribute evenly throughout the wash cycle. This helps make sure your clothes are properly cleaned since they have even access to the soap.

If you’ve been noticing that some of your clothes aren’t coming out fresh enough—or if you’re spotting some nasty detergent stains—try swapping around your laundry detergent timing.

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