10 Stock Picks in the Covid-19 Crisis

My first experience of investing in the stock market was terrible. Back when I was young and naive, I got a lump sum after my brother decided He wanted to sell a property we owned together. I did not know what to do with my half of the proceeds of that sale.

So, on the advice of an old family friend, who I trusted at the time and who was well versed in business and finance, I invested the money with a broker at a well-known Bank.

Unfortunately, the fund did poorly, and it lost most of the money. Besides, I had to go through an elaborate ritual (sending faxes, etc.) to extract my own money from this Bank. Not only was my broker charging a significant fee, but he was also arrogant and uncooperative whenever I asked him why he was losing my money. 

Has your fund manager lost most of your money?

I learnt one fact then that has stayed with me and now has been absolutely confirmed by one of my own investment gurus, Nassim Nicholas Taleb (of ‘Fooled by randomness’ and ‘Black swan’ fame): Be wary trusting people’s advice when they have no ‘skin in the game‘. 

It’s easy giving people advice on other people’s money. It’s even easier managing someone’s money when they don’t have a lot. A bigwig might ruin your reputation. But if you lose a small-time investors money, 99 times out of a 100, you’ll have zero repercussions. 

In the twenty years since that broker lost my money, I put myself through business school, took an internship at a US investment bank in New York City, graduated with an MBA in Finance and worked for several years as a financial analyst.
I trade stocks myself now with my own account. My portfolio is up 50% since the Pandemic, while the S&P is down 10%. The UK FTSE 100 is in even worse shape, down about 16% over the year. Most fund managers have lost money this last year. The UK property market is also underwater, maybe even by as much as 20%, no one knows the exact figures for that yet.

I have used my experience in Cyber Security to select some reasonably safe, but high returning Cyber stocks. I have invested in Gold as a hedge against currency devaluation due to massive government economic interventions.

Please also sign up for my Cyber Security Investments Webinar on Saturday, July 18th at 4pm UK/ 11am EST/ 8am PST talking specifically about my own investment strategies, mainly in the Cyber Security sector. 

This is not a ‘snake oil’ pitch. I am not claiming that my strategies are a foolproof way to make money. All I am saying is – here’s what I’m investing my own money in and here’s why I’m doing that, and up until now, it’s been successful. 

This webinar is simply my attempt to stimulate a discussion on investments. Maybe, like me, you’ll start making some good money from it. I’m keen to hear your views as well as your questions too. Perhaps I will learn more from you than you will learn from me?

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