14 Things People With Very Attractive Partners Experience


“I was in a long-term relationship with a woman who looked like a supermodel. Six feet tall, skinny, heart-shaped face, etc. She was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’m not exaggerating in the slightest. I was in shock the first time we made out. I just stared at her for hours and kissed her like I was in a daze. I soon figured out that when you’re with a woman like this, literally every dude will hit on her constantly. When she was nine months pregnant, dudes were slipping her phone numbers. It was so insane…”

“…She definitely had a personality flaw. She thought she was better than everybody else, but was really good at being pretend nice to people. To make a long story short, she completely destroyed me. She cheated on me three weeks before the wedding and was ‘appalled’ that I called it off. ln her words, ‘No one breaks up with me; I break up with them.’ She, to this day, thinks that I was the shitty person for calling it off. Fuck, she was so impossible.”


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