16 Women No Sexual Chemistry With Partners

16 Women No Sexual Chemistry With Partners


And finally, “I spent more than a decade with a man who wasn’t tickling my physical pickle at all. Frankly, we didn’t even fall in love (or at least I didn’t), but we gave it a try anyway. We were the best of friends (and by the best, I mean THE BEST). The rapport was unreal, we were pretty much having a telepathic connection. Every aspect of a relationship maxed out, but when it came to kissing and having sex, there was absolutely nothing. I’d even go as far as to say we were so alike mentally, it felt almost…incestuous? Like, it was NOT supposed to happen. It’s hard for me to describe it.”

“We tried to go for it a few times literally after YEARS of being together because the thought of breaking up was just killing me, and it felt like all or nothing. But, it was all ending with me crying in secret. 

To add insult to injury, I had never slept with anyone else before, and just couldn’t bear the thought of not having a sex life ever.

It ultimately destroyed us. I met someone new and fell madly in love. I knew we were done the moment I felt it.”


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