17 Ridiculous Job Listings That Are Expecting The Most™ For Literal Pennies

17 Ridiculous Job Listings That Are Expecting The Most™ For Literal Pennies

17 Ridiculous Job Listings That Are Expecting The Most™ For Literal Pennies

These jobs have soooo much to say about how outrageously qualified applicants need to be, but then they’re SILENT when it’s time to discuss pay.

Anyone who’s endured the stress of searching for a job recently can confirm that it’s beyond rough out there. When employers actually bother to include the pay on their job listing, it’s so insultingly low that most prospects cringe and close out of the post entirely.

All I ever hear these days is that “no one wants to work anymore,” but the truth is that no one wants to pay a livable wage. Here are 17 screenshots from job listings that are asking for the moon and the stars from their applicants while offering chump change in return:

1. You must be willing to run an entire safari but you’ll be paid like you’re running the drive-thru window.

2. Another day, another dollar! Am I right? I really don’t wanna be right.

3. Sure, as long as I’m able to survive without food, water, or shelter for three months.

4. There is nothing entry level about this??

5. Every time I think it can’t get worse…

6. …it gets worse.

7. At this job, getting sick costs you $100.

8. Not applying for a job because I can’t afford to work there is uhhh, new.

9. I kinda have to value money over knowledge unless knowledge can somehow pay my rent.

10. My logical brain says this is a typo, but after seeing so many job postings with such unrealistic expectations, I’m not so sure.

11. You’ve heard of service with a smile, now get ready for suffering with a smile.

12. Must have 20 years of experience to maybe earn $20 an hour.

13. A 16-week unpaid training?! Mom, can you pick me up? I’m scared.

14. *Cries in writer*

15. This unnecessarily intense job listing that looks like a welcome packet for CrossFit.

16. This job posting that’s having some kind of identity crisis.

17. And finally, the only slightly reasonable qualification requirement on this list because no one can work in customer service without constantly ripping the penjamin.

Have you seen any ridiculous job postings like these? Let me know in the comments!

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