21 Things Adults Wish They Knew In Their 20s And 30s

21 Things Adults Wish They Knew In Their 20s And 30s


“My mom. She used to annoy me with her constant calls and her always checking up on me. I would feel frustrated with feeling like I had to pacify her with my precious time because she liked to call me every single day to check-in. When she died suddenly when I was 39, I had no idea how much those daily check-ins really meant to me.”

“Did I have an extra 20 minutes for her every day? Yes, and I wish I would have used it better. Now, I cling to old voicemails just to listen to her say, ‘Hey, chick! Just checking to see how your day was. Love you!’ one more time.

—44, Texas

“Having my mom. I always assumed she’d be there forever, to help out with my kids, or to sew stuff for me (she tried to teach me, but I was more interested in the Super Nintendo), or to be at the other end of the phone to hear me vent or brag about how delicious the dinner I made was.”


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