22 Frugal Ways To Waste Less And Save More In 2024

22 Frugal Ways To Waste Less And Save More In 2024


“Join a local Buy Nothing group. Give and receive! You might have more stuff than you realize. One lent season, I gave up buying anything unless I was actually out of the product or food. This freaked people out when I mentioned it. Yes, I could buy fresh food as needed.”

“I initially thought I would run out of lotion sometime during lent. Oh, I was so wrong. It was nearly a year before I had used up all of the various lotions in my apartment. I also journaled about my thoughts on money, shopping, and buying things. At the time, I did this challenge because a friend had commented on how much time I spent shopping. I hadn’t realized how much time I spent looking at stuff. I found this to be an incredibly healing and liberating practice.”


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