27 Boomer Parents That Are Completely Out Of Touch

27 Boomer Parents That Are Completely Out Of Touch


“My mother berated me for being an idiot for paying more than $400/mo for rent on my first apartment in a major city. No, I didn’t miss a zero. This woman seriously thought that rent isn’t more than $400/mo without roommates.”

“I refused to tell her the exact number because it’s none of her damn business, but she looked up my neighborhood and told me yet again how stupid I am, that I’m throwing money away on rent, and that I’m basically paying a mortgage on a $400,000 home. There are no $400,000 homes in my city. You can get into a one-bedroom condo for around $600,000. That’s not even taking into account interest rates and the down payment. Boomers are f*cking delusional.”


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