An Argument for Automation

We all have workflows we go through regularly to get our job done. When we start
working we need to open a few applications, websites, and start a few servers.
When we commit code we want to make sure we didn’t break tests or fail linting.

You could take time to automate all of this stuff, but is it really worth it? I
mean, how long does it take to open a few apps, copy/paste some skeleton code,
etc.? Let’s say it takes 4 hours to automate creating all the files and things I
need for a new blog post (index.mdx with metadata content and optimized banner
image) — a task that takes about 60 seconds. I’d have to do that 240 times to
make it worth it, right?

I mean, after all, just look at these XKCD comics!

Chart calculating whether something is worth the time to automate

Graph showing that you spend forever automating a task

If you’re just doing the math like that, you might think, “yeah, it’s probably
not worth it.” But…

Saving time is not the only reason to automate workflows

Let’s talk about the blog post example as that’s something I’ve done pretty
recently. Hopefully you can apply this same concept to manual processes that you

My blog is open source on GitHub.
The content is stored in mdx files with metadata for the
post stored as frontmatter (yaml syntax between two --- lines) at the top of
the file (things like title, date, description, keywords, etc.). I get a
tangentially related and memorable banner image from which is stored next to the mdx file in
an images directory.

With that in mind, as of the time of this writing, here are the minimum number
of steps I need to take when I create a new blog post:

  1. Create content/blog/<name-of-post>/index.mdx
  2. Search for an image on unsplash that’s related to the post
  3. Download that image
  4. Move it to content/blog/<name-of-post>/images/banner.jpg
  5. Write the frontmatter values for: title, date, description, keywords,
    categories, banner (./images/banner.jpg), bannerCredit
    (Photo by (<photo_id>))
  6. Write post
  7. Commit changes
  8. Push changes

From there, everything is automated to get the blog post built and deployed
thanks to Netlify and
Gatsby Cloud.

By far, the longest part of this process is writing the blog post. Everything
else takes just about 60 seconds. So, why is it still worthwhile to automate?

One of my favorite benefits of automating repetitive workflows is that I can
keep my brain focused on the task at hand rather than shifting gears to deal
with boilerplate or setup. Especially when the task at hand is creative and
brain intensive (like writing a blog post or closing bugs). It’s a real
challenge to write a blog post mostly because you have to decide what to write
about and how to go about communicating those ideas. Once I get to the point
that I know what I’m going to write about, I don’t want anything to come between
me and creating the content because that level of friction makes it
unnecessarily harder. When that friction is there, my brain is taken off into
autopilot mode for a few minutes while I repeat a task I’ve done a million
times. Unfortunately, I need to stay conscious enough to account for the minor
differences (like the blog post name and banner image for example). This is
called context switching and can come at a
huge cost.

By the time I finish setting up the skeleton stuff, I’ve forgotten exactly what
I originally set out to do and need to go back to be reminded (or hit the
foosball table for a minute ⚽️).

The ability to stay focused on the task at hand is a huge benefit to
automating workflows.

Something we humans do much better than computers is the creative process of
understanding a problem and coming up with a solution. So computers have been
created to facilitate us doing what we’re good at. Something that humans do
really poorly though is performing mundane tasks over and over again. This is
something that computers can do with 100% accuracy. By automating our workflows
we can hand over to the computer what it’s been designed to do (and does really
well) and focus on what we’re really good at (back to the idea of context

The risk of human error and difficulty of catching problems grows
exponentially greater with the amount of mundane manual tasks you have to
perform. Computers don’t have this problem.

The list of tasks for creating a blog post that I made above is only the bare
minimum of things I have to do to get a blog post out the door. But there’s more
that I can and should do for each blog post and thanks to the fact I have it
automated, it’s easy to make these things happen automatically:

  • Accept input via command line and format my answers to YAML
  • Open unsplash search with my title as the search query (just to get me going)
  • Download, resize and optimize the banner image (I just provide the unsplash ID
    and my script does the rest).
  • Automatically retrieve the credit for the unsplash image
  • Prefill the banner path to where the image was downloaded
  • Generate a slug for the permalink
  • Generate the date for the post

In fact, because I’ve done all of this, when I do the stuff that can’t be
automated (like selecting a title, categories, keywords, and the banner image)
I’m more likely to do a better job of doing those things because I’ve reduced
the amount of mundane work I have to do.

In addition to doing more per-blog post, when I have the process automated, I’m
more likely to do it, so I end up blogging more frequently. Another example
would be continuous delivery. If you have that automated in a reliable fashion,
then you’re more likely to release more often.

The computer doesn’t get fatigued or bored, so you can make it do more than
you would bother doing yourself.

Once you’ve finished automating your workflow, you can share the automation
you’ve developed with others. This is one area where the math can totally blow
up in favor of automation.

For the specific example above, it’s most likely that your file generator would
be used only by people contributing to your project. But that’s alright. It’s
nice to have all files in a project generally the same (a subject for another
blog post).

However, if you automate something that’s general enough to be used by more
developers, you could open source your solution and tons of developers can use
it. This is something that Stephan Bönnemann
did with semantic-release, and I can’t tell
you how much time that’s saved me; it’s amazing.

The XKCD joke about “Rethinking” and “No Time for Original Task Anymore” is
funny, and can be true. But for mature and responsible adults this can be a
great thing. Consider all of the companies that were created and succeeded
because someone automated a task and sold their creation to others, hopefully
making the world a better place in the process.

If your automation is used by even only 100 other people, that’s 100x the time
saved. It’s a no brainer. And if the automation is good enough that people are
paying you, all the better!

One of the things I love about our industry is that it favors and encourages
lifelong learning.

You could learn how to build desktop or web apps by making a GUI for your
automation. Or, you could build your own CLI tool using something like
inquirer. Using a variety of APIs can help you learn
different ways to design APIs to solve problems and may help you design APIs to
solve your future problems. You also learn the specific tools which can help you
automate things more quickly in the future.

Then if you open source your solution you’ll learn a ton about what it means to
open source a project: add testing, continuous integration, releases (I
recommend you automate that with the aforementioned
semantic-release module), and so much more.

The process of automating your workflow is a fantastic learning experience
(especially if you open source it).

I’m not claiming that everything you do should be automated and open sourced.
Certainly not. We’ve got to get our jobs done and ship stuff. But there are
definitely many instances (probably more than you realize) where automating
something will actually help you get your job done and ship stuff faster — with
fewer bugs than by regularly repeating the same steps in your workflow.

If you’ve automated something and want to open source it, you might check out my series of over 20 free 5 minute lessons called
How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library

P.S. I’ve rewritten my website quite a bit since this post was originally
written. You can
check out my original blog post automation script here.
You can
check out my new blog post automation script here.

Source link

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