12. “I worked at an upscale busy bar a couple of years back — right after COVID. We were constantly understaffed, overworked, and treated like shit from management and customers. One Friday night, my manager let the other bartender go ...

I guarantee you’re going to be hungry after taking this questionnaire. View Entire Post › Source link ...

3. “I was at a wedding where the best man got up and explained how important this speech was to him, because even though he has a stutter and public speaking is very hard for him, the groom had picked ...

30 Things All Parents Had In Their House In The ’90s 1. Cans of frozen juice concentrate in the freezer to make “fresh juice”: 2. A copy of The Doctors Book of Home Remedies, which usually was in the kitchen ...

4. “I had my mom move in — after she sold her house post-COVID and was still in debt after selling with equity due to poor choices. I had three rules: 1.) Always remember it’s my house, 2.) I won’t ...