18 Broke Boomers That Moved In With Their Millennial Kids

18 Broke Boomers That Moved In With Their Millennial Kids


“I had my mom move in — after she sold her house post-COVID and was still in debt after selling with equity due to poor choices. I had three rules: 1.) Always remember it’s my house, 2.) I won’t charge rent, but you need to show me you are savings rent’s worth a month in an account, 3.) Never make me feel uncomfortable in my own home.”

“It lasted three months before she moved out on her own. Apparently, me letting her live rent-free at my house and having to be respectful of someone else’s rules (adapting to the lifestyle of the house as it was is a better way of describing it) was too much to bear. Left acting like a victim.

I had a very real conversation with her, stating that I will not be sacrificing my children’s future wealth to help her out. Her whole life she voted for all the nasty shit Republicans did to our social safety nets because God and abortion. I will buy her a tent, and a very nice one, but she will never move in with us again.”


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