E.J., a 32-year-old who lives in the greater Seattle, Washington, area and works as a communications director in the investment and finance industry Why are you open (or not open) to using male birth control?  I’m open for a number ...

So to recap: Using the third person in your internal dialogue, to hype yourself up? That’s good. But using illeism out loud and around other people? Unless you’re building a brand, that’s a little weird ― and even then, it’s ...

As Teesa mentions, people in the throes of new love are often quick to cast aside concerns about a duplicitous partner. If you take off those rose-colored glasses and use some discernment, generally you’ll find a “United Nations of Red ...

Living alone gets a bad rap: There’s nothing more freeing than being able to waltz around your home, wearing whatever you want, eating whatever you want and blasting whatever you want on your playlist. Of course, there’s some drawbacks, too: ...

As founder of the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, Woodson was intent on changing that perception and altering the trajectory of Black Americans. “He wrote five Black history textbooks, conducted home study courses, and developed a ...