Singapore-based fintech startup Volopay.Co has received an in-principle approval (IPA) for a major payment institution (MPI) licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). The licence will enable Volopay to expand its payment services, including account issuance, e-money, domestic money ...

When Jonathan Tan started PRISM+ in 2017, he faced a daunting challenge: breaking into the highly competitive gaming monitor space dominated by global electronics giants. However, Jonathan was undeterred. With a vision to disrupt the market and offer consumers better ...

SMRT Corp, a transport operator owned by Temasek, has announced the merger of its taxi business with Premier Taxis to form the second-largest taxi operator in Singapore. The deal will bring together two companies with a combined fleet of approximately ...

Rachael Kam was a former lawyer turned entrepreneur. She graduated with a law degree from the National University of Singapore, and spent eight years in corporate legal practice. Being a lawyer is indeed a stable and well-paying job — or ...

French luxury goods magnate Bernard Arnault has surpassed Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, to become the world’s richest billionaire. According to Forbes, the 74-year-old engineer has secured the top spot on its 2023 World’s Billionaires List with a net ...