1. “The man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, S, who I was head over heels in love with, took his own life, and I found out via the newspaper the following morning. It took ...

A Reddit user asked the folks of the Reddit community: “Couples with a large age difference: How is it different, and what kind of issues do you face?” Their stories were so good that they inspired our BuzzFeed Community to ...

Reddit user u/less_thannormal asked the community: “What kink are you into, and when/how did you discover that you were into it?” Welp, fortunately for the internet, folks didn’t hold *anything* back. They revealed some kinky sexual acts they never tried ...

8. “This might be cliché, but for me personally, it’s waiting for a man to ask me out first, waiting for the man to propose first, and the notion a woman will always be inferior to a man. I grew ...

8. “My ex of eight years couldn’t step up when I found out I’d struggle to have kids. I remember the pain of it to this day. He was a wonderful partner, my best friend, there was no one I ...