Favor Progress Over Pride in Open Source

I have published a lot of open source packages.
Most of them are not that popular, but I want to tell you a story about one that
got really popular really quickly and then experienced a rapid decline in
popularity because I deprecated it in favor of an alternative library.

download graph for glamorous

When CSS-in-JS was growing in popularity, I was inspired by existing solutions,
but I thought I could do some things better than other solutions out there (the
biggest player in the space was
styled-components), so I created
glamorous and published it to the world.

Whenever I release a new open source package and other people start using it, it
strokes my ego in a big way. It’s extremely validating. In the case of
glamorous, it picked up steam really quickly. It even surpassed downloads of
styled-components (though download stats aren’t a very good metric of
popularity, they’re really the only metric we have).

In any case, it was my most visible and popular open source project by far. But
when an alternative solution came around that was objectively better and we
had a reasonable migration path (that’s important), I deprecated it without
any hesitation. The alternative was emotion. Here’s what I
said about this when
I asked the community what
they thought:

Here’s my reasoning:

  1. Emotion can do everything glamorous can do
  2. Emotion can do more than glamorous can do
  3. Emotion is faster than glamorous
  4. Emotion is smaller than glamorous
  5. It’s good for the community to consolidate and rally around using and
    improving a single solution

This is only one of a variety of examples of projects I’ve either deprecated or
handed off. In either case, the core is the same: I solved a problem, and then
handed the torch to someone else.

A common theme I see in open source is people being upset or frustrated when
someone else comes up with the solution to a problem first. Whether it be as big
as a library or as small as a pull request. I can understand this feeling, but
let me explain how I think about it and hopefully this will help you cope with
these situations and see them for the heavenly blessing they really are 👼

Let’s put it in a generic storyline (with fictional characters):

  1. Brad identifies a problem
  2. Brad solves the problem and is willing to maintain it long-term
  3. Mary identifies the same problem
  4. Mary solves the problem better than Brad with a reasonable migration path and
    is also willing to maintain it long-term

What should Brad do in this situation? Every specific situation will be a bit
different, but here are a few options I think would be reasonable:

  1. Mary and Brad collaborate and bring Mary’s solution into Brad’s package and
    they’re now co-maintainers of the original package, only with Mary’s improved
    solution under the hood. Publish a major version and a migration guide.
  2. Brad deprecates his solution and directs people to a migration guide to move
    to Mary’s solution instead.

Let me tell you what would not be a reasonable thing to do:

  • Brad gets upset at Mary and works hard to make his solution better until it’s
    as good as Mary’s

This means we now have two solutions for the same problem. It fragments the
community and gives developers yet another choice in the myriad of choices
people need to make just so they can get to building the apps they want to make.
It also fragments the efforts of the community. People are often putting in the
same work to solve the same problem in two places.

To be clear, I can appreciate different takes at solving the same problem with
different trade-offs. But only when those trade-offs are different enough to
justify the double-work and forcing everyone in the community to take the time
deciding between the two. Unfortunately, we have far too many packages that
aren’t nearly differentiated enough to justify continued use and work on them.

Also, to reiterate, I think it’s important that we support people who have
invested in tools and technologies. So if a migration is very difficult, then
that could justify continued work on the package as well. Also, if a migration
is difficult, then it’s also likely the trade-offs made are significant enough
for the decision anyway. Unfortunately again, we have far too many packages that
aren’t all that difficult to migrate to a better solution.

Another thing to keep in mind is that migration is only really needed in the
event of a relevant security vulnerability or desire for bug fixes and
features. So deprecating a inferior solution in favor of a better one will only
impact people who would be interested in migrating for the improved solution
anyway. Things don’t suddenly stop working when they’re deprecated.

So when you’ve got two or more packages that don’t make sufficiently different
trade-offs and aren’t difficult to migrate from, you’re making the community
incur a cost. This is a real issue (anyone building apps has experienced the
frustration of deciding between similar solutions to a problem). The solution is
to look at the situation objectively and ignore
the sunk cost of all the effort
contributors have put into the inferior solution. Continuing to work on yours
(and inviting the work of others) when an objectively superior solution could
reasonably be used instead is (frankly) selfish and prideful.

The people who created emotion were actually active contributors to glamorous.
When I learned that they were working on a completely new solution, I was a
little bummed that we couldn’t just make glamorous better. But on the other side
of things, I was thrilled. It meant that someone else was going to work on
solving the problem I had experienced and I could move on to something else. I
knew the problem was in good hands. There are too many problems to be solved to
throw a fit over something like this. Move on to the next problem!

I’m not sure how else to organize some of these thoughts, but I need to include
them, otherwise people will think I’m suggesting that Angular should be
deprecated in favor of React (it should not).

What if we don’t agree one is superior?

You each likely have a list of reasons why your solution is superior. Put that
list in your docs in a prominent place to help people make the decision you’re
forcing them to make.

If you can’t come up with a list, then are you sure it’s not just your prideful
knee-jerk reaction? No shame, spend a few minutes comforting yourself a bit, and
move on.

What if it’s hard to migrate to the better solution?

This question is only mentioned because I’m sure people will miss the fact that
I mention this several times in the post above. Is that you? If it’s hard to
migrate, then keep working on it. But I’d suggest adding a note to the docs that
a superior solution exists so new folks start with the better solution. And you
might also work on finding ways to make a migration less painful.

What if we can’t collaborate?

As long as the solution solves your problem, then who cares? If they’re working
on the solution, then that leaves you to be free to work on the other stuff you
want to work on!

What if I just want to work on it?

Then heck, work on it, but please mention in the docs that a better and
recommended solution exists if one does and save people the time.

What if this is a product I sell?

Well, that’s pretty different. In that case we’re talking competition and you
actually do want to win people over to your solution so you can make money. If
someone else legitimately has an objectively better solution, you’d better find
a way to differentiate yourself fast or you’ll be looking for a new problem to
solve whether you want to or not 🙈

Just remember that having multiple solutions to the same problem has a cost on
the community. Sometimes that cost is worth it, but so often it’s not. When
emotion was released, I saw that the implementation was objectively better, it
would be well maintained, and
thanks to my friend Tejas Kumar,
we had an automated way to migrate people’s codebases.

It would have been selfish of me to ask people to continue investing their time
into glamorous. Deprecating it was one of the best decisions I made. I freed
everyone up to move on to the next problem, and I think the world is a little
bit of a better place because that.

Do you have an open source library? Are there better alternatives? Save yourself
and everyone else some time by adding a note and a link in your docs (and
possibly even deprecating the package in the registry). It’ll make things easier
for everyone. Good luck!

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