Gastro Doctors Share The Worst Foods For Digestive Health

Gastro Doctors Share The Worst Foods For Digestive Health

According to Dr. Shilpa Grover, the director of the onco-gastroenterology program in the division of gastroenterology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, refined grains aren’t great for your gut.

“Studies that have evaluated dietary patterns have clearly shown that a high intake of red and processed meat and refined grains is associated with an increased risk of [inflammatory pouches in the digestive tract] called diverticulitis,” she said. “Contrary to what was thought earlier, nuts, corn, and popcorn are not associated with an increase in the risk of developing diverticulosis, or complications like diverticulitis or bleeding.”

But your gut health isn’t all you have to watch out for when it comes to eating a diet high in red meat and refined grains. “Those same diets recommended to decrease the risk of health conditions such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and cancer, including colorectal cancer, are also likely to decrease the risk of diverticulitis,” she said.

If you’re mourning a loss of identity as you contemplate spending your summer months without a single hot dog, worry not: A hot dog here and there won’t destroy your gut health. Just go easy on them — and maybe add sauerkraut for some gut-boosting benefits.

This post originally appeared on HuffPost.

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