Key Trends in Mobile App Development

We all know that Mobile Applications are now an irreplaceable part of our lives. Mobile Applications are many and are growing in number every day. When applications are growing in number and the number of app users are increasing every second, app technology is advancing at breakneck speed.

It has been found that about 75% of mobile traffic is generated by mobile devices. About 80% of emails are being opened on mobile devices.

The app technology, while advancing, paves the way for new features, integrations, and tech updates. And, the mobile app trends and app market trends are also changing at the blink of an eye. So, in order to have a mobile application that can attract users and business, it is important for the app owners to frequently check whether the application meets the current app trends.

With the advancement of technologies and the arrival of new technical innovations, the application trends change and the user expectations will also stick to the trends. Going with the trend is always the best way for the business to be in the market and to be on the frontline of the market. Top mobility solution providers in the industry will have a good knowledge about the latest technologies and they will be keen to integrate them into their solutions.

When we talk about the key trends in mobile app development, it combines both the mobile technology trends and the mobile app feature trends. We will look into a few of them in this article with in-depth analyzation.

Security Rich Mobile Applications and App Development.

It has been noted that cyber-attacks are one of the biggest threats among the app users and  business applications, so this year,  companies will prioritise cybersecurity as most of the users consider highest app security as their most important  issue while using the app.

The business owners are also concentrating on their business security from the cyber-attacks and their major focus is on developing a secured application. The practise of data encryption for encoding and decoding sensitive information and preventing fraud and scam through Mobile Applications will be a part of the important app feature trends.

Volatile testing, which will be practiced regularly to avoid malfunctioning of security issues and improve the protection of user data. Face identity integration, fingerprint authentication, 2 factor authentication, OTP usages and the voice recognition feature integrations will dominate the market and the trend is most appreciated. Authorizing users and denying access for the unauthorized clients and restricting usages strictly will be on trend this year for banking and payment apps.

As per a report, the mobile payment market is projected to hit $4.574 billion by 2023, which is a 33.8% compounded annual growth rate compared to 2017.

The trend of data tokenization, which is using simple lines, symbols and signs that are about to replace the sensitive data or information storage and sharing through Mobile Applications. New secure data backup systems that will highly eliminate information loss and data scrambling with clean and reliable technical implications while building mobile apps, in the upcoming years.

How to Find the Right Mobile App Development Company to Outsource? – A Quick Guide.

5G Supportive Special Apps.

In the future we can see Mobile Applications that are more 5G friendly, which isMobile Applications that can utilise the full potential of the smartphones that the users own. This will give the users a wholesome experience and offer more defined services and boundless features that are smart and effortless to execute the intentions efficiently.

As 5G offers unimaginable fast internet and incredible connectivity, the Mobile Applications of the upcoming years will have rich features that support immersive technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, and IoT with more confidence. Also, the 5G supportive Mobile Applications will offer the users with well-defined visuals as 5G can handle high app traffic.

So, the new Mobile Applications will make the users stick onto the screens for the exhilarating experience that the Mobile Applications are going to offer.

The Global market for 5G has been predicted to reach a whopping $620.72 billion by the end of 2030, says a Statista report.

The Rise of Super apps

The super Mobile Applications will be trending shortly. Because, it has been noted in the recent times, the users prefer a single application to perform multi tasks which in turn will reduce downloading more applications on their phones. The super applications are mobile apps that can be used for more than one purpose, like imagine an app that can help you buy groceries, order food, complete banking tasks, while letting you book on demand services. The Super Apps are the most welcomed applications by the users to save space, time, and to avoid granting their app permissions to too many apps and protect their data for improved security.

A study from PYMNTS shows that 67% of US consumers would like to use at least two of their activities integrated into one place, while around 11% would like one app for managing their entire digital lives.

Voice Technology Integrations.

The trend of leveraging voice identification technologies to the Mobile Applications will speed up and it will be one of the trending integrations in the mobile apps. Some of the high end banking, financial and on demand applications have voice identification and interpretation ability to take directions from the users now.

It is already grabbing attention among the app users and in the upcoming days we can see the trend of voice technology integrations in almost all the applications to take commands from the app users and respond to them with the right choice of words, solutions, and display results with precision.  To put it simply, the AI and ML technologies will make the applications rich with extraordinary voice cognizance and this will be trending in the mobile app development industry in 2023.

The rise of (mCommerce)/eCommerce growth.

In the upcoming year, we can see the rise of mCommerce/eCommerce application development because, the business owners are clear that without a Mobile Applications service, selling and buying will be difficult. The population is busier and their frequency of visiting brick and mortar shops has reduced considerably. They are not visiting the shops unless it is window shopping or for a relaxation. The malls and the shopping areas are no more crowded because of pandemic threats and the majority of the population is avoiding crowded places to maintain safety.

This has necessitated the business owners to build their mCommerce/eCommerce applications to fill the gap and to accelerate the sales and they have seen good results too! So, every small business is looking for the  best mobility solution providers to develop a Mobile Applications within their budget to keep their business thriving and growing online without any hurdle in the revenue making. On the other hand the customers are more comfortable buying products through Mobile Applications than going to the shops.

This has created a situation in the mobile app market where the number of mCommerce/eCommerce applications, increasing in the App/Play stores. This trend will continue and will become more intense in the coming year and we can see the trend of businesses going mobile-friendly and accelerating sales through mobile apps.

79% of smartphone users have made a purchase online using their mobile devices in the last 6 months.

Closing text

The Mobile app market is always active and it will continue to be active with some of the wonderful technology integrations and exclusive, yet attractive, features that will make mobile applications closer to the users. Exploring new technologies and the latest innovative app development methodologies to have a business app developed can be a bit confusing for the new age non-technical entrepreneurs. But, C-Metric, one of the pioneers in the mobile app development industry with 26 years of experience can guide you with the perfect new age mobile app for business augmentations. We are one among the renowned New Jersey Mobile App Development Companies.

If you have a great mobile app idea for your business and if you want to have it developed with some of the trending features and technical integrations, contact C-Metric on We can help you create a    mobile application that will help you increase market share & business growth.

For FREE consultation, call us on +1 (856) 482-7700.

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