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You may search software solutions or application products for sales, project management, warehouse management, manufacturing, finance management, etc. for this purpose, companies today develop an internal ERP, but it takes a great deal of time and investment to implement that idea. Another option may be getting an ERP from third parties, but this will again affect the budget of the firm. Here, the best application suited to your company that reduces unnecessary usage of time and investment is Odoo ERP which is developed on an open source platform with highest scope for customization which can cater to any industrial segment. A large business–many departments operate at the same time. And many departments mean-communication deficiencies which in-turn creates departmental silos. It doesn’t matter how small or big these deficiencies are, but eventually, they bring your company an unproductive result. Here’s where Odoo is going to help you. It is a vibrant software to elimi

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