People Are Sharing How Tough It Is To Buy A House In Today’s Market, And It’s Wild How Difficult It’s Been

People Are Sharing How Tough It Is To Buy A House In Today's Market, And It’s Wild How Difficult It's Been


“We purchased out home in June of this past year. We started looking in March but every house I would send my realtor was contingent before it hit the market because people would put the house on Facebook market first and then list with the realtor once they had a confirmed buyer. When we did find a house we liked it was $475K, we signed the offer paperwork in the driveway because we were afraid someone else would scoop it up.”

“We weren’t able to close until June 2023. I watched the market get better in the those three months and in the six months that we have owned the home, I’ve watched new listings in my neighborhood not sell at all. My co-worker is looking for a house in the $350-400K range but can’t buy anything because interest rates are now too high. Her $400K house payment would be $1000 more than mine and my house is $75K more than her price range!!”


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