People Are Sharing The Best Advice Their Therapist Gave

People Are Sharing The Best Advice Their Therapist Gave


“You are not special.”

“I was having some very strong anxiety at the time. I felt like I was judged everywhere, like I couldn’t go to the store, take the bus, or even go for a walk because I felt people were judging my every move. It was scary as hell.

I was telling her about this, and how I started avoiding going out, which was a problem because I had to go to college soon. And she looked me straight in the eyes and told me ‘(name), I’m telling you this with all the care of the world, but you are not special, there is nothing that would make me think twice if we crossed in the street.’

It was harsh, and it was exactly what I needed. My anxiety didn’t let me see that until she said it. This changed my life, I could go to college and be out because of it.”

— u/so_yellow 

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