Real Life Unsolved Mysteries People Can’t Explain — January 2024

Real Life Unsolved Mysteries People Can't Explain — January 2024


“When I was a teenager, my best friend and I developed a habit of going out in the middle of the night and just exploring our rural town in the dark. We were just some kids having fun in a city where you can’t do much, especially after dark. One night we went out and — without having a particular goal — we went to a park located right at the city border. The town spent good money to get rid of the ruins of the old farms in that area to make a recreational site for the people, so the park had pavilions, places to play sports, toilets, and a little creek running around, all surrounded partly by high fences and partly by just big walls of dirt with grass on them. We had to climb the fences to get in there.”

“We were walking around and played a little hide and seek. I thought it would be extra clever to climb on top of the toilet booth, expecting my friend not to search there. After a while I saw him standing next to a bench and a light just 50 meters away, looking in my direction. He was just standing there, not moving at all. I soon got tired of sitting on the roof and waved at him. He didn’t move. So I called him, and he waved back, like a puppet moving only his arm. I thought he was messing with me, trying to freak me out. But when I jumped down, I heard him walk up to me from the other direction, asking what I wanted.

There’s no way he could’ve made his way around me without me seeing him, as the booth I was on was the only thing in that big, flat area. There was no way he could’ve covered that, like, 200 meters in a second. I was kinda freaked out and asked him how he got from that point to where he was now. He was just as confused as I was, because he swore he heard me following him the entire time, thinking I was trying to freak him out. When we looked over to where I thought I saw him, nothing was there. We haven’t been to this park ever since, but every time we were out walking his dog, the dog would bark wildly around the park, refusing to go further when we got near. It still gives me chills.”


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