Reddit Woman Can’t Get Over Fiancé’s Terrible Proposal

Reddit Woman Can't Get Over Fiancé's Terrible Proposal

Either way, most people agree they need couples counseling before they tie the knot. “Forget the bullshit that people in this thread are telling you about your expectations are too high or you have a princess mentality. A marriage proposal should be exciting and joyous. One partner is asking the other to spend the rest of their life with them. If that is what they really want, they should be excited to propose, and excited to move into the next phase of their relationship/life together. Having a ring box handed to you and being told, ‘This should make you happy’ is the exact opposite of that. I don’t think he is excited to marry you, to spend the rest of his life with you, or to build a future with you…”

“…I’ve seen literal high school kids put more effort into asking someone to go to prom with them or asking a classmate to be fake married for a parenting project. It’s time that you stop hinting at what you want and you need to stop dancing around his feelings because he certainly didn’t care about yours with that lame-ass proposal. In couples counseling it will give you the space and tools to have this discussion in the open and say what you need to say without worrying about how he will react.”


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