Redditor’s Parents Are Upset Their Wedding Started On Time

Redditor's Parents Are Upset Their Wedding Started On Time

The subject of parents and lateness apparently struck a cord. Some commenters shared stories of their own parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and in-laws being chronically late for important events and how they handle it.

“My mother-in-law with a few other family members showed up an hour late [to my baby shower]. I made a bet with my entire family that they would at least be 30 mins late. We ate the minute the shower started and had literal scraps left over by the time they got there. She made a comment about the food, to which I retorted if she would have gotten here on time, she could have eaten… Then I hosted Thanksgiving on Sunday and showed up an hour late. We ate on time, no fudges given over here. She can go pout all she wants. Husband has had many talks but nothing sticks,” u/Breablomberg21 said. 

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