Rollback Transaction With Laravel Eloquent

Rolling back queries is always a safeguard for your data if there were to be any errors during database manipulation. For example, during the execution of multiple delete commands or similarly, a save command in use with an update use-case. Laravel comes out-of-the-box with the rollback functionality and is particularly very simple to use.

The answer to rolling back eloquent queries is to use a static DB::transaction call, wrapped around your database execution code. This addition to your standard controller code looks like the following ‘wrapper function’.

DB::transaction(function () use ($product) { // Start the transaction 
    // Do stuff here
}); // End transaction

You can pass in variables using the use operator so you don’t have to wrap all of your code inside of the transaction.

In the following example, I will demonstrate the rollback safeguard around saving (Updating) a database record using a generic update controller function call.


public function update(Request $request, $id)

        $product = Product::findOrFail($id);

        // Validate the inputs
            'name' => 'required',

        $product->name = $request->get('name');
        DB::transaction(function () use ($product) { // Start the transaction
        }); // End transaction
        return view('products.index');


And that is literally it, the magic transaction function will take note of any changes to the database and if there is a fault, it will simply roll back to the original state. Another Laravel Eloquent life-saver, quick and easy to use and does the job effectively.


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