Nixpkgs is an ever-increasing collection of software packages for Nix and NixOS. Even with more than 80,000 packages, you easily run in a situation where there is a functionality that is not yet implemented. Earlier this year, we wrote a ...

A new job comes with a new laptop. As such, I was given a Framework Laptop DIY Edition with the objective to install and configure it entirely with NixOS. I will share my first impressions after receiving and opening the ...

With many security challenges solved by design in its core conception, lots of projects benefit from using WebAssembly. WasmEdge runtime is an efficient Virtual Machine optimized for edge computing. Its main use cases are: Jamstack apps, through a static front ...

Good tech adventures start with some frustration, a need, or a requirement. This is the story of how I simplified the management and access of my local web applications with the help of Traefik and dnsmasq. The reasoning applies just ...

There are multiple ways you can deploy your Nodejs app, be it On-Cloud or On-Premises. However, it is not just about deploying your application, but deploying it correctly. Security is also an important aspect that must not be ignored, and ...