Though skeptical, I proceeded to read through the product description, sizing details, and at least 20 pages of (good and bad) reviews — and I came to the conclusion that the roughly $40 price tag was worth the buy. The ...

For tough stains, it’s recommended to spray, then massage the affected area with a soft brush. Wait at least eight hours, then launder with the warmest water the fabric care instructions allow.  Buzzfeed Shopping senior writer Emma Lord says: “This spray also ...

BuzzFeed Shopping contributor Rachel Dunkel looooves this stuff: “Not my skin above, but I 100% vouch for this liquid exfoliant’s amazingness. It’s helped to even out my skin tone and control the hormonal acne around my mouth. It’s the only thing I ...

Satin pillowcases don’t just look fancy, they have actual beauty benefits. Since they’re less porous than cotton, they help hair retain moisture and natural oils. They also don’t leave creases on the skin the way other fabrics can. Promising review: ...

I first bought this for a weeklong Croatian vacation last year when I did carry-on, and as long as you are *thoroughly* reapplying, this stuff stays on pretty well. On a beach club afternoon, I did haphazardly reapply and missed ...