4 Major Warning Signals of Hearing Impairment

4 Major Warning Signals of Hearing Impairment

Whether you suspect you have hearing loss or want to prevent it from happening, there are a handful of solid strategies that can help you protect your hearing as you age.  

“Avoid noisy places whenever possible and use earplugs, protective earmuffs, or noise-canceling headphones when near loud noises,” Zwolan said. “It’s important to keep the volume down when watching TV, listening to music, and using earbuds or headphones. And finally, be sure to get your hearing checked as you age.”

Koebel added that if you live in a noisy city, it can also be helpful to soundproof areas of your home.

“To do this, you can use acoustic foam paneling, or if you’re looking for a cheaper option, things like wall tapestries, additional blankets and pillows throughout the home, and thicker curtains are effective noise dimmers.”

Hearing loss can be incredibly annoying and isolating for anyone experiencing it, but knowing the signs (and getting a yearly hearing test!) can help you get ahead of any hearing issues. Treating hearing loss sooner rather than later can help prevent longer-term health problems, so if it’s been a while since you got your ears checked, reach out to your doctor. 

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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