5 Sneaky Signs Your Doctor Is Gaslighting You

5 Sneaky Signs Your Doctor Is Gaslighting You

Gaslighting, the term used when someone in power manipulates another person to doubt their own judgment, can manifest in medical settings. 

“Medical gaslighting involves patients’ symptoms and lived experiences being dismissed by medical providers and explained away with incorrect diagnoses,” said Alyssa Burgart, a physician, bioethicist and clinical director at Stanford School of Medicine. “This can mean questions, tests and diagnoses that fit a biased pattern, rather than addressing the patient’s actual symptoms.”

Patients who are gaslit in clinical settings often experience delays with their medical treatment, missed diagnoses, and overall worsened health outcomes. This disproportionately affects women and people of color, who may experience greater distrust as a result. 

Medical gaslighting can be so subtle that you may not even notice it happening as you are seeking care. Here, we spoke to experts about the subtle signs of medical gaslighting and what to do if you suspect it’s happening to you: 

Your provider is not listening to you or often interrupts you. 

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