Best Open Source CMS for Ruby on Rails

A content management system is a great way to host one or many dynamic websites on a single application – with having complete control over the content with the admin console it provides. Ruby on Rails has several popular content management systems – some are general purpose while some being very specific to a particular area. Ruby on Rails Developers who are working on RoR Ecommerce platforms, simple websites or web applications can easily adapt and customize those management systems.

I started searching for a CMS for our existing application/website where the user can just modify and manage the website without going into coding. This would not only make Ruby on Rails Development easy but it would enable good features for the users. I went through many such systems and shortlisted a few which I found to be the best for all kinds of usage. Each CMS is having its RoR support version, highlights, important links to the projects and documentation which will help for getting started.

1. Refinery CMS

Refinery is no doubt the most popular Ruby on Rails CMS and it is holding the top seat from many years. It has whole lot of features and great support from community too.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4.2+


  • Modular and extendable
  • Design flexibility
  • Super simple and easy to use
  • Slick, clean user interface
  • Multilingual
  • Vibrant and Active Community



2. Camaleon CMS

Camaleon CMS is an advanced and dynamic Content Management System Based on Ruby on Rails 4 which is an alternative to WordPress in Ruby on Rails. This CMS can be adapted to any kind of project without programming and giving to users more time for the content instead of programming.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4.2+


  • Provides widgets
  • Support for Shortcodes
  • Custom Fields
  • Content Groups
  • Multi site
  • Multi Language
  • Plugins library
  • Themes library


3. Locomotive CMS

Locomotive CMS is specially for developers. It is a beautiful Open Source CMS that makes it super easy to develop and design exactly what your clients need.
– Github: locomotivecms/engine
– Website:

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4.2+


  • Multi site
  • Great for design customization
  • Different Coontent Types
  • Flexible and powerful templating
  • Extra tags to embed services like Google Analytics
  • Localization
  • Restful API



4. Spina CMS

Spina is a relatively new CMS built upon the Rails framework. It is designed for developers with experience using Ruby on Rails. It’s under active development.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 5.0+


  • Extendable
  • WYSIWYG editor integrated
  • User Friendly


5. Fae CMS

Like many Ruby on Rails CMS engines, Fae delivers all the basics to get you up and running: authentication/authorization, a responsive UI, form helpers and workflows. But unlike other engines, Fae generates models, controllers, and views into your app that inherit from its core classes. That’s what enables Fae to work by default with almost no coding. And when it’s time to customize a single view or an entire section, it can be done in a way that will feel familiar to most Ruby on Rails developers.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4.1 to 5.0


  • Easy to get started
  • Completely customizable
  • Lot of helper methods available
  • Production tested
  • Version tracker
  • Sleek user interface
  • automatic bugs
  • Global search
  • Image uplading and processing



6. Storytime

Storytime is a Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine, with a core focus on content.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4+


  • Combined CMS, blog, and admin features
  • Professional dashboard
  • Multi-Site Support
  • Guided Installation
  • In-Line Text Snippet Editing
  • Custom Post Types
  • Email list building
  • New post notifications
  • Built-in search


7. ComfortableMexicanSofa

ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Rails 4/5 CMS Engine

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4+


  • Simple integration with Ruby on Rails 4 apps
  • Build your application in Ruby on Rails, not in CMS
  • Powerful page templating capability using Tags
  • Multiple Sites from a single installation
  • Revision History
  • Great extendable admin interface built with Bootstrap, CodeMirror and Redactor


8. Alchemy CMS

Alchemy is a powerful, user-friendly and flexible Open Source Ruby on Rails CMS. Alchemy actually is a CMS framework. It enables you to build your own CMS.The name speaks for itself: Alchemy is a kind of chemical construction kit for developers who want to build professional web-applications in a short time frame. Content managers are enthusiastic about Alchemy CMS because of its clear and powerful user interface, which is easy to use and intuitive to learn.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 2.3 to 5.0


  • Highly flexible templating that completely separates content from markup
  • End-User centric graphical user interface
  • Multi language and multi domain
  • SEO friendly urls
  • User Access Control
  • Build in contact form mailer
  • Attachments and downloads
  • On-the-fly image rendering
  • Extendable via Ruby on Rails engines
  • Integrates into existing Ruby on Rails Apps




APIQ is a modern and flexible Ruby on Rails content management system with a modular approach. It utilizes the latest features of Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL (such as JSON column type, for example). Mostly inspired by LocomotiveCMS, but in contrast with it APIQ relies on robust PostgreSQL database and doesn’t provide an all-in-one solution. The basic idea behind APIQ: minimal core, extendable via extensions (engines). So you can take only what you need.

The most powerful feature behind APIQ is templating engine called Liquor. If you’re familiar with Shopify’s Liquid templating engine, then you already know Liquor. In Liquor, it’s a little bit easier to extend its core as well as it has really simple Ruby on Rails integration.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4.2+


  • Extendable via Ruby on Rails Engines
  • Beautiful and responsive admin panel
  • Simple and Powerful Template language – Liquor


10. PushType

Build your website your way. PushType is a next generation open source content management system for Ruby on Rails. It takes advantage of powerful new features available in the latest versions of Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL, delivering a fantastically flexible toolset for developers working on any kind of website.

Ruby on Rails Version Support: 4.2+


  • Custom content models
  • Fully flexible content
  • Advanced custom fields
  • Media library
  • Easy to use Admin UI
  • Dynamic image manipulation
  • Designed for developers


If you feel that any other CMS should be a part of this list, we would be happy to know about it at @icicletech.

Published in web-development, ruby-on-rails, ruby | Tagged with frameworks, ruby-gems, ruby, programming, open-source, ruby-on-rails, web-development

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