Static vs Unit vs Integration vs E2E Testing for Frontend Apps

In my interview “Testing Practices with
J.B. Rainsberger” available on he gave me a metaphor I
really like. He said:

You can throw paint against the wall and eventually you might get most of the
wall, but until you go up to the wall with a brush, you’ll never get the
corners. 🖌️

I love that metaphor in how it applies to testing because it’s basically saying
that choosing the right testing strategy is the same kind of choice you’d make
when choosing a brush for painting a wall. Would you use a fine-point brush for
the entire wall? Of course not. That would take too long and the end result
would probably not look very even. Would you use a roller to paint everything,
including around the mounted furnishings your great-great-grandmother brought
over the ocean two hundred years ago? No way. There are different brushes for
different use cases and the same thing applies to tests.

This is why
I created the Testing Trophy.
Since then Maggie Appleton (the mastermind
behind‘s masterful art/design) created this for

The Testing

In the Testing Trophy, there are 4 types of tests. It shows this text above, but
for the sake of those using assistive technologies (and in case the image fails
to load for you), I’ll write out what it says here from top to bottom:

  • End to End: A helper robot that behaves like a user to click around the
    app and verify that it functions correctly. Sometimes called “functional
    testing” or e2e.
  • Integration: Verify that several units work together in harmony.
  • Unit: Verify that individual, isolated parts work as expected.
  • Static: Catch typos and type errors as you write the code.

The size of these forms of testing on the trophy is relative to the amount of
focus you should give them when testing your applications (in general). I want
to take a deep dive on these different forms of testing, what it means
practically, and what we can do to optimize for the greatest bang for our
testing buck.

Let’s look at a few examples of what these kinds of tests are, going from top to

End to End

Typically these will run the entire application (both frontend and backend) and
your test will interact with the app just like a typical user would. These tests
are written with cypress.

import {generate} from 'todo-test-utils'

describe('todo app', () => {
  it('should work for a typical user', () => {
    const user = generate.user()
    const todo = generate.todo()
    // here we're going through the registration process.
    // I'll typically only have one e2e test that does this.
    // the rest of the tests will hit the same endpoint
    // that the app does so we can skip navigating through that experience.





    cy.findByLabelText(/add todo/i)

    cy.findByTestId('todo-0').should('have.value', todo.description)


    cy.findByTestId('todo-0').should('have.class', 'complete')
    // etc...
    // My E2E tests typically behave similar to how a user would.
    // They can sometimes be quite long.


The test below renders the full app. This is NOT a requirement of integration
tests and most of my integration tests don’t render the full app. They will
however render with all the providers used in my app (that’s what the render
method from the imaginary “test/app-test-utils” module does). The idea behind
integration tests is to mock as little as possible. I pretty much only mock:

  1. Network requests (using MSW)
  2. Components responsible for animation (because who wants to wait for that in
    your tests?)
import * as React from 'react'
import {render, screen, waitForElementToBeRemoved} from 'test/app-test-utils'
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'
import {build, fake} from '@jackfranklin/test-data-bot'
import {rest} from 'msw'
import {setupServer} from 'msw/node'
import {handlers} from 'test/server-handlers'
import App from '../app'

const buildLoginForm = build({
  fields: {
    username: fake(f => f.internet.userName()),
    password: fake(f => f.internet.password()),

// integration tests typically only mock HTTP requests via MSW
const server = setupServer(...handlers)

beforeAll(() => server.listen())
afterAll(() => server.close())
afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers())

test(`logging in displays the user's username`, async () => {
  // The custom render returns a promise that resolves when the app has
  //   finished loading (if you're server rendering, you may not need this).
  // The custom render also allows you to specify your initial route
  await render(<App />, {route: '/login'})
  const {username, password} = buildLoginForm()

  userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/username/i), username)
  userEvent.type(screen.getByLabelText(/password/i), password)'button', {name: /submit/i}))

  await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByLabelText(/loading/i))

  // assert whatever you need to verify the user is logged in

For these, I’ll also typically have a few things configured globally like
automatically resetting all mocks
between tests.

Learn how to setup a test-utils file like the one above in the
React Testing Library setup docs.


import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
import * as React from 'react'
// if you have a test utils module like in the integration test example above
// then use that instead of @testing-library/react
import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react'
import ItemList from '../item-list'

// Some people don't call these a unit test because we're rendering to the DOM with React.
// They'd tell you to use shallow rendering instead.
// When they tell you this, send them to
test('renders "no items" when the item list is empty', () => {
  render(<ItemList items={[]} />)
  expect(screen.getByText(/no items/i)).toBeInTheDocument()

test('renders the items in a list', () => {
  render(<ItemList items={['apple', 'orange', 'pear']} />)
  // note: with something so simple I might consider using a snapshot instead, but only if:
  // 1. the snapshot is small
  // 2. we use toMatchInlineSnapshot()
  // Read more:
  expect(screen.queryByText(/no items/i)).not.toBeInTheDocument()

Everyone calls this a unit test and they’re right:

// pure functions are the BEST for unit testing and I LOVE using jest-in-case for them!
import cases from 'jest-in-case'
import fizzbuzz from '../fizzbuzz'

  ({input, output}) => expect(fizzbuzz(input)).toBe(output),
    [1, '1'],
    [2, '2'],
    [3, 'Fizz'],
    [5, 'Buzz'],
    [9, 'Fizz'],
    [15, 'FizzBuzz'],
    [16, '16'],
  ].map(([input, output]) => ({title: `${input} => ${output}`, input, output})),


// can you spot the bug?
// I'll bet ESLint's for-direction rule could
// catch it faster than you in a code review 😉
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i--) {

const two = '2'
// ok, this one's contrived a bit,
// but TypeScript will tell you this is bad:
const result = add(1, two)

I think it’s important to remember why it is that we write tests in the first
place. Why do you write tests? Is it because I told you to? Is it because your
PR will get rejected unless it includes tests? Is it because testing enhances
your workflow?

The biggest and most important reason that I write tests is CONFIDENCE. I
want to be confident that the code I’m writing for the future won’t break the
app that I have running in production today. So whatever I do, I want to make
sure that the kinds of tests I write bring me the most confidence possible and I
need to be cognizant of the trade-offs I’m making when testing.

There are some important elements to the testing trophy I want to call out in
this picture (ripped from my slides):

The Testing Trophy with arrows indicating the trade-offs

The arrows on the image signify three trade-offs you make when writing automated

Cost: ¢ heap ➡ 💰🤑💰

As you move up the testing trophy, the tests become more costly. This comes in
the form of actual money to run the tests in a continuous integration
environment, but also in the time it takes engineers to write and maintain each
individual test.

The higher up the trophy you go, the more points of failure there are and
therefore the more likely it is that a test will break, leading to more time
needed to analyze and fix the tests. Keep this in mind because it’s

Speed: 🏎💨 ➡ 🐢

As you move up the testing trophy, the tests typically run slower. This is due
to the fact that the higher you are on the testing trophy, the more code your
test is running. Unit tests typically test something small that has no
dependencies or will mock those dependencies (effectively swapping what could be
thousands of lines of code with only a few). Keep this in mind because it’s

Confidence: Simple problems 👌 ➡ Big problems 😖

The cost and speed trade-offs are typically referenced when people talk about
the testing pyramid 🔺. If those were the only trade-offs though, then I would
focus 100% of my efforts on unit tests and totally ignore any other form of
testing when regarding the testing pyramid. Of course we shouldn’t do that and
this is because of one super important principle that you’ve probably heard me
say before:

The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.

What does this mean? It means that there’s no better way to ensure that your
Aunt Marie will be able to file her taxes using your tax software than actually
having her do it. But we don’t want to wait on Aunt Marie to find our bugs for
us right? It would take too long and she’d probably miss some features that we
should probably be testing. Compound that with the fact that we’re regularly
releasing updates to our software there’s no way any amount of humans would be
able to keep up.

So what do we do? We make trade-offs. And how do we do that? We write
software that tests our software. And the trade-off we’re always making when we
do that is now our tests don’t resemble the way our software is used as reliably
as when we had Aunt Marie testing our software. But we do it because we solve
real problems we had with that approach. And that’s what we’re doing at every
level of the testing trophy.

As you move up the testing trophy, you’re increasing what I call the
“confidence coefficient.”
This is the relative confidence that each test can
get you at that level. You can imagine that above the trophy is manual testing.
That would get you really great confidence from those tests, but the tests would
be really expensive and slow.

Earlier I told you to remember two things:

  • The higher up the trophy you go, the more points of failure there are and
    therefore the more likely it is that a test will break
  • Unit tests typically test something small that has no dependencies or will
    mock those dependencies (effectively swapping what could be thousands of
    lines of code with only a few).

What those are saying is that the lower down the trophy you are, the less code
your tests are testing. If you’re operating at a low level you need more tests
to cover the same number of lines of code in your application as a single test
could higher up the trophy. In fact, as you go lower down the testing trophy,
there are some things that are impossible to test.

In particular, static analysis tools are incapable of giving you confidence in
your business logic. Unit tests are incapable of ensuring that when you call
into a dependency that you’re calling it appropriately (though you can make
assertions on how it’s being called, you can’t ensure that it’s being called
properly with a unit test). UI Integration tests are incapable of ensuring that
you’re passing the right data to your backend and that you respond to and parse
errors correctly. End to End tests are pretty darn capable, but typically you’ll
run these in a non-production environment (production-like, but not production)
to trade-off that confidence for practicality.

Let’s go the other way now. At the top of the testing trophy, if you try to use
an E2E test to check that typing in a certain field and clicking the submit
button for an edge case in the integration between the form and the URL
generator, you’re doing a lot of setup work by running the entire application
(backend included). That might be more suitable for an integration test. If you
try to use an integration test to hit an edge case for the coupon code
calculator, you’re likely doing a fair amount of work in your setup function to
make sure you can render the components that use the coupon code calculator and
you could cover that edge case better in a unit test. If you try to use a unit
test to verify what happens when you call your add function with a string
instead of a number you could be much better served using a static type checking
tool like TypeScript.

Every level comes with its own trade-offs. An E2E test has more points of
failure making it often harder to track down what code caused the breakage, but
it also means that your test is giving you more confidence. This is especially
useful if you don’t have as much time to write tests. I’d rather have the
confidence and be faced with tracking down why it’s failing, than not having
caught the problem via a test in the first place.

In the end I don’t really care about the distinctions. If you want to call
my unit tests integration tests or even E2E tests (as some people have 🤷‍♂️) then
so be it. What I’m interested in is whether I’m confident that when I ship my
changes, my code satisfies the business requirements and I’ll use a mix of the
different testing strategies to accomplish that goal.

Good luck!

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