What is ChatGPT and Why is it Making the Headlines?

ChatGPT is an open-source artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by OpenAI, an AI-based research company. In November 2022, OpenAI announced that it has created an open-source tool that can interact with users and is capable of providing solutions to complex questions. It has the capability to understand and respond in natural language. Since then, the internet has been taken by storm, where the users are marvelling at the ingenuity of the tool.

Notably, ChatGPT is based on GPT3.5, a language model, which uses deep learning to produce human-like text. The bot is sophisticated in many ways. It can remember previous conversations and highlight them as and when required and generate detailed texts with such creativity that it can be claimed AI can write poems as well. It also possesses the ability to debug codes, write essays and even compose music. OpenAI has released ChatGPT only for testing and as a beta version. It will be available later this year for API access.

ChatGPT can do almost anything and everything. From writing sales pitches to spotting errors in the code, it covers basically everything. It can be used for a variety of tasks such as language translation, text summarisation, question answering, and text completion. The tool can also be fine-tuned for specific use cases like customer service and writing creative fiction. Further, it is a powerful tool for natural language processing and understanding. 

GPT stands for generative pre-training transformer. The computer program is based on the transformer architecture. GPT is thus trained on large amounts of text and it then performs natural language processing tasks. With over 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 is the largest language model present. The text on which GPT-3 needs to be trained on includes 8 million documents and 10 billion words. It is from these texts that the model learns to generate text which displays its ingenuity. 

On top of this, the model is also fed with conversations between a human and an AI assistant. This makes ChatGPT proficient in reinforcement learning where human feedback is used. The use of the reward model for reinforcement technique is very clever. The responses of various ChatGPT conversations were collected for data comparison. The trainers picked them randomly and later evaluated the possible endings to those conversations. This established the quality of the responses by ranking them. This allows users to get genuine, coherent and appropriate answers when using GPT in the form of a chat.

How to Access ChatGPT?

Here is how you can use ChatGPT:

  1. To generate text, you can feed ChatGPT a prompt (a starting text) and ask it to continue the text. You can use a pre-trained version of ChatGPT or fine-tune it on a specific dataset.
  2. To use ChatGPT for question answering, you can input a question along with a context (such as a passage of text or a set of documents) and have ChatGPT generate an answer.
  3. To use ChatGPT for text completion, you can input a partial text and have ChatGPT generate the remaining text.
  4. To use ChatGPT for language translation, you can input text in one language and have ChatGPT generate the translation in another language.

To use ChatGPT, you will need access to the model’s API or to have the model running on your own hardware. There are also several open-source libraries and pre-trained models available, such as Hugging Face’s transformers library, that you can use to easily access and fine-tune ChatGPT.

Is GPT-3 Free?


The use of OpenAI’s API comes with a cost and you must pay for the usage. However, there are some other similar pre-trained models like GPT-2, GPT-3 and T5, that are available for free through different platforms like Hugging Face and TensorFlow. But, keep in mind that the free version will be less powerful than the one provided by OpenAI and it may not have the same capabilities.

It’s also worth noting that there is a community version of GPT-3 also available through Hugging Face’s GPT-3 community edition which is free to use but with certain limitations. Overall, while the GPT model itself is not free, it is available for use through the OpenAI API and other similar models that can be used for free with certain limitations.

Advantages and Shortcomings of ChatGPT

ChatGPT has several advantages, including:

  1. Natural language understanding: ChatGPT is trained with an enormous dataset of human conversations, allowing it to understand and respond in a human-like manner.
  2. Flexibility: ChatGPT can be used for a variety of tasks, including text generation, conversation simulation, and language translation.
  3. Speed: ChatGPT can generate text quickly, making it useful for real-time applications.
  4. Personalisation: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned on a specific dataset, allowing it to generate text that is more relevant to a particular domain or use case.
  5. Cost-effectiveness: ChatGPT is a software-based solution, which eliminates the need for expensive human labour.

Given this computer program’s ability to write human-like text which solves many problems at hand, it also comes with some significant shortcomings:

  1. One of the main flaws of ChatGPT is inconsistency in the model’s performance due to factual errors. The models fed with patterns and understanding of natural language will come short of real-world experience and language diversity. 
  2. The machine learning algorithms used in GPT are as good as the dataset. GPT will generate whatever it has been taught. If the dataset contains some sort of errors or biassing, then it will get reflected in GPT’s responses, thus spreading misinformation. It is necessary that the training set undergoes quality checks to remove any harmful responses from being generated.
  3. The computational complexity of ChatGPT is very high. The number of resources needed to use this program may not be supported by a variety of applications and devices. Thus, it can be established that for the effective running of the application, a resource-constrained environment is not suitable. This takes a significant hit on the usage of the application.


To summarise, ChatGPT is a revolutionary tool that takes the world of AI a step forward in solving day-to-day problems. A human-like engagement from a computer-based program is a major advancement that we could only dream of. Keeping in mind the limitations, ChatGPT is definitely one of a kind.

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